An unlikely White Christmas–we get creative around here!

I hope you’ve had a very nice weekend. I enjoyed mine, spending time with friends I don’t regularly have a chance to see socially, following through with some holiday baking and  we decorated the Christmas tree, also making a good start on the outdoor lights. We even had time to watch a Netflix DVD that’s been sitting here for at least two weeks.

And as the song says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”  Christmas  in Southern California that is…Monday’s temperature is predicted to be 75 degrees and sunny.

What is winter in Southern California? Well, does it tell you something that I’m wearing the same clothes to work in December that I also wore in August? I might wear a light jacket, but I don’t wear a true coat, I don’t own boots, and I think hats, gloves and scarves are beautiful, but I rarely wear them.

Christmas morning we light a fire and create the ambiance we envision for our family  gathering. That works for an hour or so if we begin really early, but by midmorning my brother is stating he thinks he may spontaneously combust and we begin to peel off the layers of clothing, turn off the fire, sometimes even opening windows.

But this weekend…

Karina on sled

Sophia and Karina had the chance to enjoy several rides down a “snow mountain” on a sled. When I saw the photos and videos their mommy sent me I just had to laugh and enjoy right along with them! The looks of joy and delight on their faces tell it all…this is the best they’re going to get of snow in Los Angeles! But what fun!

Sophia on sled

They don’t compare their experience to children living in REAL snow conditions, they just hold on tight and feel the exhilaration of speed.  They had a ball!

So although we won’t have a White Christmas this year, I applaud the folks who thought to bring a little snowy fun for the children. And if you live where snow is an expected holiday visitor, please enjoy the brief video clips of Karina and her cousin Annaka on one sled, and Sophia on the second, enjoying their winter fun.

Don’t chuckle too hard at what we call snow! Just listen to the shrieks and try to remember your own youth, and what it felt like to be a child with the fun of an unexpected treat!

I hope you, too, can find some joy as you begin the week.

29 thoughts on “An unlikely White Christmas–we get creative around here!

  1. Isn’t this weather amazing? It was even t-shirt weather up here in Northern California today! Cute photos of the girls… they are glowing with the thrill of their snow experience.

  2. I don’t care the source, it’s great to see kids play in the snow. And when those kids rarely have the opportunity to do so, it is even more special. You’re right. The look on your Granddaughters’ faces say it all.

  3. What fun! Not only for the kids, but for all the adults watching their glee.

    Here near Chicago, we are about to break a record for the longest into December without snow. Our daughter Katy is a happy camper I’m sure with close to a foot in MN, but, no snow, yet, here.

  4. What a fabulous thing to do for the kids! Did they let adults ride too? Sledding is one of my favorite winter past times. We’re fortunate that we have a hill in the backyard and it’s perfect for sledding. The four of us are always up there and squealing as though we’re all kids. 🙂 I love the smiles on the girls faces. They are just priceless.

    • I don’t know if adults were able to ride the sleds or not. I wasn’t there, but I’m sure there were at least some “big kids” in line! I used to enjoy sledding up in the mountains with church winter camps, but that’s about as far as it ever went. I think we may need to be sure to get the girls up to “real snow” this winter. What a wonderful experience to share with your children, Kristy! That would make it worth the cold, for sure! 🙂

  5. Such fun, Debra! Their expressions say it all – snow is great and it’s fast.:-)

    No snow here yet, but the temperature is low enough, having barely risen above freezing here today, and light snow showers are forecast for tonight. My wardrobe drawers probably have enough gloves, hats and scarves for us both…..

    • I hope we can at least go up to some of the ski resorts this winter. We don’t ski, but I’d like to experience a little snow–at least for a day or two. I hope you’ll post some pictures as your landscape turns white, Perpetua. I’m sure it is very cold, but also very beautiful!

      • Sadfly the forecast snow didn’t arrive,m but it will one day, i’m sure. Today we are white with frtost and freezing fog in the valley and I’m staying snug indoors. 😉

    • It must look funny to see the snow piled to make a ramp–in the absence of a true snow drift! LOL! But for the girls this was so much fun! They will be going up to some real snow later in January. Actually, I need to rephrase that. They will be going to Big Bear, mountains and altitude! We have no idea yet if there will be snow. We just hope so! 🙂

    • I think we all have that little child in us, too, Marie, but we don’t seem to let him/her out to play nearly often enough! I do find that spending time with my granddaughters and seeing life through their eyes really encourages me to lighten up a bit! 🙂

    • Thank you, Dee! I do think the time for the girls was grace-filled joy. I love thinking of it precisely that way. Such serendipity for them to have time in real snow! I hope it is a long time before such small pleasures are no longer special! oxo

  6. Oh how I wish I’m in Lake Tahoe right now. Oh well, I’m not a big fan of cold anyways. But yeah, I hate these sunny times during this season. Weather God sure is erratic.

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