Darwin the AMAZING tortoise, at it again!

I think our tortoise is ready for the circus.

Doesn’t look too suspicious, does he!

But before I tell you just what Darwin was up to this time, I will deliver another brief public service announcement. Did you know that you can’t take thousands and thousands of photos over the five years since your first grandchild was born and never move them off your hard drive? You did? Oh, so it was just me! Apparently Darwin IS quicker about learning some things than I am!

Riding the rails? A tortoise?

My computer has been very wonky lately. I knew I was courting disaster, but I tucked that solemn recognition somewhere in the back of my mind like I do the warning that tells me I’d be smart to assemble tax records throughout the year and not wait until mid-March. I’ll get to it–when I have to!

Monday afternoon we brought Sophia and Karina back to our house for the night and the following day, rather than follow my usual schedule of being with them a full day at their home. They enjoy being at our house and having access to the animals and Papa…not  in that order, of course, but our home is a little vacation place for them. And now that they’re a little older I have the opportunity  to fit in a few chores that are hard to fit into my otherwise very choppy schedule. I started with good intentions!

I desperately needed time to work on my computer.  My day of reckoning slammed up and hit me full in the face while trying to upload weekend photos.  By now you may have guessed–I couldn’t import them! My computer vociferously announced “Stop FORCE feeding me!” I have had to stop everything and work on my computer before I doom it to an untimely demise! I am smart enough to recognize my own procrastination so I do subscribe to off-site backups, but I’m a ridiculous computer file pack rat. This has been quite the cleaning out process, made all that much more exciting by the fact that I only understand about half of what I’m actually doing. The end result will probably be another surprise!

So how did he get up there? Just look at that elevation!

But nothing matches the surprise of looking out my kitchen window yesterday and seeing Darwin in a part of the yard he has never previously navigated. Does he do this every day when I’m at work?

Oh great! There he goes again…eating the succulent ground cover!

What a clever fellow! We watched in wonder as he made his way all around the perimeter of our garden railroad. Of course, mixed with wonder was concern! There are water features connected to this space. Can he swim, too? And what if this is the equivalent of a small child managing to squeeze their head between two rails…and then–oops! Call the fire department!

Can he do it?

Very bold move when you have stubby little legs and don’t want to land upside down!

Terra Firma!

What a clever fellow! And is there any wonder that with this much entertainment offered in my own backyard I can’t manage cleaning computer files? I think my excuses are firmly intact! Unfortunately for me avoiding my duties and obligations only delays the problems…you pay NOW or you pay Later…my “later” has arrived!

So back to work. I just had to stop and share my backyard aerialist with you first! Hope you feel encouraged to tackle your mid-week duties, too. Think of Darwin’s momentum and achievement. I didn’t anticipate taking a life lesson from a Sulcata Tortoise. There’s something new every day, isn’t there?

I’ll exhale and breathe a lot lighter when my computer is working better…but I can still be amused! Debra

59 thoughts on “Darwin the AMAZING tortoise, at it again!

  1. I just love Darwin! Darwin the Explorer! Darwin the Conquerer! Shall I stop?
    And pc work – bleurgh, I do it when I have to, and no I don’t understand a fraction of what a pc can do anymore, and yes I’m in IT 🙂
    But once you have had your clear up life does look better, brighter and breezier. Oh and faster on the pc 🙂

    • I had to stop what I was doing to share these photos. He is just such an unusual pet! I am still just so surprised that he worked himself into a climb! I have quite a mess on my hand with my computer at the moment! I have really been neglectful…so I have only myself to blame! Just think about all the technical devices we’re all using. I may need to slow down and learn to use what I have! Ha! Thanks for sharing in my fascination with Darwin, Claire! Debra

  2. I love these photos of Darwin! I can’t get over his beautiful shell – it looks like he’s transporting multi-layered pyramids! (You could make one of those B indy movies with this set – Giant Tortoise Overruns Railway System. LOL!! 😀 )

    I’m shamefully behind on transferring my photos too. I keep thinking about it but never doing it. You’re inspiring me! 🙂

    • I love your description of his shell! It is like little pyramids now that I think of it! And you really did make me laugh…we DO have the makings for an outdoor movie set…he could be a creature from some mutant prehistoric time! Maybe we can do something clever for a youtube sensation! 🙂 Oh don’t let your photos overrun your computer…do a whole lot better than I’ve done! Oh my but I have a mess on my hand! I need to be a warning! D

  3. Oh my gosh! What a bright moment in my day! It’s the second time I’ve laughed out loud today which does cause me to breathe lighter! I think John needs to build him a little platform car so he can ride the rails with more ease!
    Thanks again for my bright spot!

    • Isn’t he surprising? I’m so glad we were home to see his new trick! Now I’m almost afraid to leave him home alone…who knows what he will get into next! Now I want to know what you laughed about first! 🙂 D

    • Darwin surprises us all the time…he’s getting so big we should probably take another look around the yard and see what dangers are lurking! Or from his perspective, what new opportunities! 🙂 D

    • You know, Natalie, we are surprised, too! We are continually amazed at how entertaining he is. That little brain keeps him curious, which in turn leads us into all sorts of discovery right there with him! D

  4. Darwin is an inspiration for me, Debra. I feel an affinity with him right now, in a weird way. Life flies, and it creeps, if that makes sense.

    I have the same photography-and-computer problem. I can’t manage to take photos off my phone, either. MTM has to sneak behind me on my gadgets and upload things to various backup sites. The only think I am really diligent about is my writing. I save to Dropbox after every session of editing. Pretty soon, it will probably resemble the rest of my overflowing space. 🙂

    One of my friends was here tonight. She is moving to LA and going to the Film School there. Very exciting, only one of 15 people accepted.

    • That’s really great, Andra. I think I really do understand your comment about time flying and creeping..I really do. You’ve had a lot of emotion going on and a lot of change…sometimes I think taking care of our little animals is very soothing to me when I have a lot on my mind. I’ll gladly share Darwin with you.

      I’m reasonably confident with my backup skills, but I never delete anything! Ever! And that’s a bad habit that is now causing me all kinds of grief! I am not really aware of Dropbox, but I’m sure glad you save your writing. About five years ago I was working on a project that was important to me…months of work, and I didn’t have it backed up, and yes, my hard drive failed and I was only able to retrieve a portion of it. I’m glad you’re diligent with that discipline!

      Which film school? That’s so exciting! Even the larger schools are so exclusive in their candidates! Good for her! You’ll have to come out to visit “us.” 🙂 D

    • He is such an unusual pet, Charlie! We had no idea what to expect over time…and there are times I think he’s really communicating with us! And the nice thing about a tortoise is their very long life expectancy! We should have years and years with him…who knows what trouble he’ll get into when he’s twice this size! 🙂 D

    • I’m so glad you enjoy our unusual pet! He’s such an unexpected pleasure! And I’m very envious of you having a techie brother, Sharyn! I was up until about 2:00 a.m. just trying to figure out which files were duplicates and why some photos all had the same name! I think I definitely need help! 🙂 But I got just enough off the hard drive to make room for more…so I’m in working order again, but still nearing full capacity! I need to develop some much better habits! That’s for sure! D

  5. Darwin riding the rails. Gotta love it! The guy’s an adventurer at heart, albeit it a slow one. How he learned the train schedules to avoid a mishap is beyond me.
    i do hope you’ve taken the time to back-up everything even before you started cleaning things up. Computers have a way of breaking down just when you think you’ve got them under control. You know, like a two-year-old. You can’t give a PC/Mac a time out, though, without hurting yourself. I do hope you’ve gotten it all straightened out. Someone needs to keep an eye on that Darwin. Does he have access to the garage? Just askin’ … 🙂

    • Isn’t Darwin just amazing? My husband tells me that he’s lately been going to the back gate and pounding on it with his shell…We may need to get a lock! His size is increasing so rapidly that I don’t really know what he might get into next! I will indeed hide the car keys! 🙂

      I did back things up well, or so I believe! I just have so many questions once I get started. I have a lot of catching up to do! How ridiculous to completely fill up a hard drive! I’m vowing to turn over a new leaf. I have at least made a good start. 🙂 D

    • I must admit I’d love to watch your little fawn, Jen! Darwin is so amusing, and I think the best thing is that we have animals to observe and enjoy. When we are watching them in their own element, we are usually relaxing and letting go of some of our busyness! 🙂 So good to hear from you! I have been thinking of you with your yoga certification…I know I really appreciate my yoga teacher! 🙂 Debra

  6. It brings to mind a running loop at our gym, perhaps this is his daily exercise:D I have a little orange hard drive I plug in every now and then and it automatically backs up… no work on my part. I have found videos slow my computer down the most as well. Good luck with your work! xx

    • You’re right, Smidge!We do have a track for Darwin! He’s probably been doing that walking for a long time now and we just aren’t home to see him! 🙂 My computer issues aren’t with backups, or at least I hope they’re not! I thinking I’m doing that correctly, but I haven’t deleted or moved anything off in a very long time…and in pictures, not at all! 😦 It’s the equivalent of hoarding! I have some work to do…and maybe psychologically, too! Ha! Too much time reading blogs? LOL! Debra

  7. I’m telling you, Debra, The Adventures of Darwin is sure to be a series of children’s books to entertain all with his wondrous adventures. I just love those photos of him traveling down the RR tracks.

    Sigh. My desktop files are now worse than my paper ones. I’m sure a day of clean-up is in order sooner or later; likely later when it reaches critical mass.

    I enjoyed this so much, Debra.

    • I really wish I’d been better at keeping photos of him when he was little. Had I known he’d grow to be so entertaining to us, I would hae been more future minded. Thanks for the niggle in the children’s book direction, though, Penny. When I retire this might be the perfect transitional project! In the meantime, I am glad that I have the blog so I can capture some of his highlighs! D

    • I’m so glad you took a peek! He’s becoming more and more amusing to us all the time as he’s getting bigger. He was the size of a half dollar when we got him less than five years ago. We didn’t know what we were in for! LOL! Yes, do be sure you’re protecting all your photos, Suzanne. It’s so hard to do all the work required to organize all our files when we’re investing so much time in blogs and other projects. Let me be a good cautionary tale! LOL! I have a mess on my hands! Thanks for stopping by…D

    • I subscribe to a service to keep my computer backed up…it’s not expensive, and I’m just too good at procrastinating. But I need to move things off the computer to make more space. I have an older laptop, and I think I’m getting dangerously close to a fatal crash! 🙂 Do back up your photos…what heartache if we lose them, right? D

  8. Such fun seeing the photos of Darwin, Debra. 🙂 I know what you mean about computer storage problems. Having not long bought my first laptop, I’m really enjoying have a HUGE amount of free space on the hard disk. No more worrying about keeping too much for a long while yet…..

  9. Such fun seeing the photos of Darwin, Debra. I know what you mean about computer storage problems. Having not long bought my first laptop, I’m really enjoying have a HUGE amount of free space on the hard disk. No more worrying about keeping too much for a long while yet…..

  10. Debra, what a clever fellow Darwin is. Our eyes lit up at the sight of another star of your back garden too: the railway track. you know what a geek he is: he took one look at Darwin and asked if he was the slow coach 😀
    Lovely to see him intrepidly exploring.

    • I really want to share more about the backyard railroad, Kate. It isn’t a quick post gathering up the photos and I keep thinking I’ll get a little opening in my time. But when I do, you’ll be intrigued for sure. I can’t claim any of the credit, other than the fact that I gave the okay to take up a huge portion of backyard space! That required a little faith. 🙂 If I had a little more time I’d also consider starting a blog just for Darwin. He does something interesting almost every day. I am always amazed! Thanks for showing so much interest, Kate. It means a lot to share with you! Debra

  11. OK, I have to say that I love Darwin now. Not only is he sneaky but he is clever. Love the photo by photo view of his landing. I have been him some days. Hope you get the pics safe! Terri

  12. I’ve never had a tortoise for a pet so I enjoyed seeing what kind of adventures Darwin has in a normal day in your lovely yard.
    Hope your computer problems are sorted.

    • I think my computer is gasping for breath…and may not make it! 🙂 But its getting older and maybe I’ll get some new toy before too long! I’m glad I can share Darwin with you, Rosie! He’s a funny guy!

      • I’m really sorry to hear you’re struggling with an old computer. I recall you saying you use a Mac. Me too. I struggled with my 7 year old computer for a couple of years before replacing it last December. I love my new friend 🙂

  13. I applaud your priorities being in the right place…watching a tortoise navagate railroad lines, elevations, waterways, environmental snacks, etc. is facinating, and a Fine priority. Twenty years down the line it’ll still be a great story! (Having said that, don’t forget to take pictures for the organizing your computer files blog…)

    • Ha! Pictures…yes, my pictures are a mess on the computer, but one of these days…I can spend a whole day watching Darwin or the birds in the garden…or watching a plant grow! 🙂 Organizing? Not so much! 🙂

  14. spellchecking before adding a comment on a public blog will be a revisited priority… (I had filled in my name when posting, but appear to be listed as ‘Anonymous’…?) (-: t

  15. Debra, Darwin is such a cutie, and I love these photos of him and his adventures. I too have some computer clean up to do. I’ve been working at it, but there’s still much more to organize! Karen

    • Oh I hope your computer organizing is going better than mine, Karen! I have a real mess on my hands, I’m afraid. But I have myself to blame there…I’m moving forward with intentions to do a lot better! 🙂 Darwin is great…I’m so glad I can share him with you! D

  16. Dear Debra, it seems to me that if life has secrets to offer, one of them is “It’s best if we can keep everything in perspective.” Which is exactly what your posting was about. I often (frequently????) lose my perspective and have to go down to that deep center of myself where Oneness dwells to find it again.

    And perhaps a second secret is this: “We humans can learn so much from animals.”
    Thank you for sharing these truly wonderful photographs of Darwin. Peace.

    • I am sure we do have the opportunity to learn from the animals, Dee. Even if it is as I suspect it was with Darwin, the opportunity to breathe a little slower and just calm down in order to watch him! Observing animals can be a very relaxing pastime, as you well know! And perspective taking is critical…I, too, can lose perspective very easily! Thank you as always, Dee. You share such wisdom!

    • Thanks, Alice! Darwin is such an interesting creature. Somewhere in my post archives I have a photo of him when he first came to us, about the size of a half dollar! I plan to do some redesign on my blog and I will give Darwin his own page! He has quite a few people who enjoy him very much. I’m so glad Claire introduced us! 🙂

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