We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming…

WHO-TV Test PatternI remember  the call to attention when the television screen would indicate emergency broadcast messages, colorful test patterns–once color television came along, and the “Please Stand By” image. Technology was rather simple then. Television programming wasn’t on a 24-hour cycle, and people easily mesmerized could sit and stare at a test pattern if it was difficult to move away from the electromagnetic glow. But content was completely shutdown. At least until the next morning.

My daughter asked me the other day if I was still blogging. That was a bit of a wakeup call. I didn’t think anyone would notice that I was peddling twice as fast and getting nowhere.

I could blame it on the heat and humidity. That may be part of the problem. It does seem to slow my mental processes. But I think I’ve simply been too busy. I must admit that I’m responsible for my own calendar, no one takes over and places appointments on it when I’m sleeping, but I am in serious need of an activity diet.  I’m working on that.

And then there are the unexpected time drains–like when your tortoise runs away from home!

Darwin Missing Sign

I’ll not prolong the question…yes, he’s back. But he sure did give us a scare.  We won’t point fingers at someone responsible for leaving the gate open while I was away on a university-related field trip, but Friday, Darwin made the great escape.

He has persistence. He now hides in the shade under bushes along the driveway, and in a matter of moments, he can disappear down the lengthy driveway, and apparently cross the street to find his way into a neighbor’s backyard.

After an anxious night and half of the following day, and after putting up “Missing” signs and leaving notices on homes circling two blocks, he was finally returned to his rightful home. There went Saturday!

All this was going on while we were also spending time with a potential new family member. I don’t feel at liberty to give too much information quite yet. I think we’re being previewed. But we are hopeful that a new little rescue will join our motley crew.


With all the Darwin drama, I hope we didn’t make a bad impression. I’ll keep you posted on how this works out. But wayward tortoises and spending time with a potential new family member takes time.

And I mentioned a work related university field trip. Oh yes! On the hottest day of the summer with humidity worthy of the midwest–that would be Friday–fourteen of us from the Center for Academic Service-Learning and Research left behind our usual responsibilities to play together in concert with Urban Adventure Quest. 

We enjoyed ourselves finding dozens of hidden gems while we hop-scotched all over a couple of miles of downtown Los Angeles. Using our cell phones to follow clues and answer questions in order to reach our final destination, we were only loosely competitive. The heat encouraged a lot of cooperation–let’s get to the endpoint and have lunch in air conditioning.

So I’ve been busy. No, I haven’t given up on blogging. In fact, I miss being a more regular contributor and reader. But my previous comments about drinking in the last dregs of summer were true…and have just about done me in! I think I can say I’m officially ready for Autumn, and ready to modify some of the high-intensity activity I’ve been encouraging.

I’ll share a secret with you. I am ready to admit that I’m a little road weary!

So let me also share a few photos from our Urban Adventure Quest, and I will tell you more about them at another time. Many locations were very interesting.

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And I DO still have some of my favorite summer activities to tell you about. I’ll just have to drag myself away from staring off into imaginary test patterns. I’ll get there!