Dragonflies and Darwin…my weekend’s entertainment.

I spent most of the weekend in my own backyard. As much as I enjoy being on the go, I love to be home, and I am very easily satisfied when I spend time observing  backyard activity. Before I completely shift to Monday mode, let me share just a few photos of my entertainment.

How about a dragonfly eating a fly?

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These flamboyantly colored insects are all over our waterway performing their excellent function as natural insecticide. The pond mosquito fish help, but dragonflies give a nice assist.

I was so excited to see him zoom in and catch his meal. I hope next time Sophia and Karina visit we can witness similar excitement.

And speaking of meals, how about Darwin?

I think he was happy we stayed home. He enjoyed our company this weekend. I’m relieved that he is finally more comfortable with his diet. He now eats the grass without too much complaint. We had to curtail the too-rich  broccoli, but he still gets a little  treat of romaine with a light dusting of calcium supplement.

You’ll note his powdery nose…that’s the calcium.

But once again he thought he’d take his own road trip. I caught him sticking his head through the fence openings, but after several attempts he finally mosied off to munch on a bit more grass and then contentedly headed back to his bed for a little nap.

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So another weekend comes to a close, but I don’t intend to just breathe lighter on the weekend. Let’s see what this week brings for me to enjoy. I do have a few mini-fieldtrips planned–oh yes, and then there’s work, but you know who’s waiting for me at work, don’t you?

TurtlesTake notice…see how many ways you can enjoy some of nature’s best–even in a work week!